English homework help

Some of the poets we have studied, including June Jordan, Nikki Giovanni, Maya Angelou, Aja Monet and phillip agnew focus on the ways in which societal pressures and social structures shape and in some case constrict individual experience. Choose a Black poet that is American or from any part of the world. What social formation does this poet focus on in their poetry, and perhaps in their public life? A social formation refers to a society (a social structure at any level such as a nation, city, business, university, or even a family) with all its complications. Also, does the poet suggest that liberation from that particular social formation is possible and/or desirable? If so, how? What literary techniques does the poet use in their poetry? Go to the following link for examples. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/learn/glossary-terms
This essay must be 1200 words minimum, use Times New Roman Font, number your pages, have a complete heading, follow MLA guidelines. Secondary sources are appreciated but not required. Focus more on your own analysis. If you do obtain information from a source, be sure to give credit where credit is due–cite them in the body of the essay as well as in the Works Cited.