English homework help

Film Analysis
(3-5 pages long; minimum 1 outside source)
This paper will be a focused film analysis in which you illuminate a theme or multiple themes of
a film through analysis. Films are composed of the same elements as written fiction: character,
setting, perspective, narration, symbolism, imagery, etc. However, film is a visual/aural medium
and, therefore, film provides other elements of analysis specific to that medium: camera angles,
lighting, scenes, spoken dialogue, etc. You may pick any film to write this analysis on as long as
it meets the following criteria:
 Full-length film
 Either fiction or based-on-true-story dramatization (i.e. no documentaries)
I recommend you choose a film that communicates obvious social themes, as it will make the
analysis easier for you. You may need to watch the film multiple times so although you are
welcome to write on a film currently in the theater, it may benefit you to write on a film that you
can watch at home.
Your paper will take one of the two following forms:
1) Thesis sentence will identify multiple themes, and body paragraphs will be organized by
themes. You will still demonstrate how these themes are being communicated by the
film’s elements. (Sample thesis sentence: The film Titanic illustrates the values of its
time period by focusing on the rigid class and gender distinctions as well as the worship
of technology.)
2) Thesis sentence will identify one primary theme and the elements through which that
theme is communicated. The body paragraphs will be organized by elements. (Sample
thesis sentence: The film Titanic argues through character and setting that valuing
people based upon material wealth is wrong.)