English homework help

Durham, DAE, LTU, 12.5.2020                 Notes for Your Essay Assignment
Use of Sources in You Essay
You may use dictionaries. If you quote or paraphrase or discuss a dictionary definition, you need to site it.
Relevant Senses of ‘fair’ from Dictionary Definitions
Equity, Impartiality
-Marked by impartiality and honesty: free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism (Merriam-Webster)
-Free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice  (DICTIONARY.COM)
-Treating someone in a way that is right or reasonable, treating a group of people equally and not allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment (Cambridge Dictionary)
What is Deserved or Appropriate
-Just or appropriate in the circumstances (Oxford, Lexico)
-The right way to treat someone and what they deserve (Cambridge Dictionary)
-If something is fair, it is reasonable and it is what you expect or deserve (Cambridge Dictionary)
-Consonant with merit or importance: due (Merriam-Webster)
The following “Accordance with rules” definitions of ‘fair’ express a related, but different sense of ‘fair’ than the one used in Rawls’ Argument from Rationality to Fairness.
-In accordance with rules or standards; legitimate (Oxford, Lexico)
-Conforming with the established rules: allowed (Merriam-Webster)
-If a game or competition is fair, it is done according to the rules. (Cambridge Dictionary)
-Legitimately sought, pursued, done, given, etc.; proper under the rules (DICTIONARY.COM)