English homework help

NAME: Aliya Senisi                               OUTLINE Argumentative essay
Title: Medical translators

  1. Introduction: Should US hospitals provide a free translator to non-English speaking patients?
  2. Hook(Surprising fact, anecdote, humor, definition, quote): “doctors are your lifesavers, lawyers are your advocators, translators and interpreters are your voice”- elingual.net
  3. Background information
  4. Info piece 1________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Info piece 2___________________________________________________________________________


  1. Thesis preview:Discussing the three major points on why it is insanely important for every doctor’soffice, medical building, and hospital to have a free translator for non-English speaking patients.
  2. Thesis:when entering a hospital, doctors office or any medical facility the first thing that occurs is a verbal transaction that occurs once approaching the front desk to sign in. for individuals who do not speak English this is one of the many issue they face. Not being able verbalize to a medical personal as to why they are visiting this facility can not only be frustrating but also scary. Having a medical translator present will not only improve patient care, ensure less opportunity for mistake and also overall save money and time.
  3. Sample Thesis Formulas: Ex:Although most _(specific detail/phrase)_of _(specific detail/phrase)_ have argued that                                                         _(specific detail/phrase)_, closer examination shows that _(specific detail/phrase)_.

Ex: _(specific detail/phrase)_uses _(specific detail/phrase)_  and _(specific detail/phrase)_ to prove that _(specific detail/phrase)_.

  1. Topic Sentence of Body ¶ 1:Positively improve patient care
  • Example 1: Better communication between physician and patient
  1. Support:https://www.dynamiclanguage.com/medical-document-translation-advantages-and-disadvantages/
  2. Elaboration/Analysis:Having a translator on staff allows less stress on patients and families allowing them to have the opportunity of feeling as if they don’t have to worry about words being lost in translation because the translator speaks the language and will advocate for the patient.
  3. Elaboration/Analysis:also having a translate in the facility allows physicians to ask them even if the patient isn’t present some of the systems the patient is experiencing This also gives the patient a little more communicate between themselves and the physician give that the soul purpose of this person is to communicate for the patient.
  4. Example 2: Allows easier explanation of medications
  5. Support 2: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1955368/
  6. Elaboration/Analysis: Being able to have someone who is fluent in the language needed for each individual case allows better patient care and also helps educate the patient on why the medication is need and some of the side effects.
  7. Elaboration/Analysis: also having a translator present gives the patient the opportunity to not only ask the translator to better explain the medication but also always the patient to communicate with the doctor any red flags that might have stood out about the medication that was given.
  8. Topic Sentence of Body ¶ 2: less chancee of medical malpractice/mistakes
  9. Example 1:transcripts in a different language
  10. Support 1:https://www.healio.com/public-health/journals/hlrp/2020-10-4-4/%7B289065fd-069e-47a7-9350-397428c11caf%7D/health-literacy-and-clear-communication-best-practices-for-telemedicine
  11. Elaboration/Analysis:A written document can go a long way with a patient who doesn’t speak the language, having the chose of reading about their illness , treatment and ,education gives not only the patient comfort but their families as well.
  12. Elaboration/Analysis:Another key purpose for a written document in the foreign language also prevents from miscommunication and misunderstanding so that leads to better communication and better understand meant as too what is happening or what will happen in the near future.
  13. Example 2:transcripts in English
  14. Support: https://www.cio.com/article/3596792/ai-conversations-enabling-smarter-more-efficient-healthcare.html
  15. Elaboration/Analysis: translating what the patient wrote into English allows the physician to better understand what the patient had said so they can take into consideration the patients symptoms and come up with a good treatment plan for a better outcome
  16. Elaboration/Analysis: Another important reason why its important to retranslate it into English it gives the physician the exact words from the patient so theirs no miscommunicate and the patient isn’t being treated for the wrong symptoms also reducing a lot less law suits and malpractice.
  17. Topic Sentence of Body ¶ 3: Saves money/time


  1. Example 1: saves money on unneeded tests
  2. Support:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448350/
  3. Elaboration/Analysis:
  4. Elaboration/Analysis:
  5. Example 2:saves time trying to find a current employee that might speak the language and more time on patient care
  6. Support:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448350/
  7. Elaboration/Analysis:translators aren’t trying to replace someone’s jobs their there to not only advocate for the patient but also spend less time trying to figure out what the patient is trying to say and more time focused on the treatment plan for this given case. This also saves a lot more money on medications that aren’t needed but were used because of miscommunication and not being able to know what the patient was saying and just guessing.
  8. Elaboration/Analysis: The purpose of the translator is also having the opportunity to voice the patients concerns to the nurse and doctor about what is taking place so they can take more time better explaining the treatment and why its so important and less time trying to figure what the last few questions or words the patient said because of not understanding the language,.

Counter argument: Waste more money having to hiring more employees
Example: wasting more money hiring a new employee when a current employee that speaks the language could be used.
Support 1:
Elaborate:Having an employee that already works in the facility not only saves money but also saves time having to look for an actual translator. This not only waste money that the facility doesn’t have but also waste time on being able to figure out what is truly wrong with the patient.
Elaborate:Using an already hired employee also saves having to show a new translator where everything is located resulting in information being told to the wrong department. Also helps the communication and relationship between worker and physician the comfortability of talking.
Rebuttal:Hiring a translator not only saves money on unneeded test being run because of miscommunication but also allows the patient the comfortably of knowing that everything that is being said will not only be translated correctly but will also being translated back to them  exactly how it was said by the physician with  no miscommunication or mix up of words.

  • Conclusion
  1. Rephrase thesis: when in a hospital the first thing that occurs is communication, for people who do notspeakEnglish this simple interaction is a nightmare for them. Not being able to communicate with someone who speaks their language can not only be insanely frustrating but also terrifying knowing that if they mispronounce something trying to speak the language they might be treated for the wrong thing. Having a in staff translator not only improves patient care, decreased malpractice/ mistakes to occur but also saves money and time that could be spent on the patient care.
  2. Summarize main points (Point 1): improves patient care
  3. (Point 2): less mistakes and malpractice lawsuits
  4. (Point 3): saves money and time that could be focused on the patient care
  5. Concluding sentence/s: Translators could actually be the matter of life and death for someone for some people having a translator not only could save their life but also be the voice they needed but didn’t have.