English homework help

 BOOK Violent borders by Reece Jones


Initial Post ( At lest200 words)

For Chapter 6, continue to identify the author’s main points, important or compelling evidence, and integration of different perspectives. Given the international scope of this issue and Jones’ limited focus on Bangladesh (in terms of examples provided), conduct some follow-up research for this post that explores working conditions in countries other than Bangladesh and in industries that rely on resources and cheap labor from these countries. Share some of your work, both from Chapter 6 and your research, identifying one of each of the following:

  1. Share one of the more compelling or significant points the author made in this chapter
  2. Share important or compelling evidence (one for each type):
    • Personal Experience
    • Outside Authorities
    • Statistics
    • Factual References and Examples
  3. Share the different perspectives the author draws on to illustrate the issue discussed
  4. Share some follow-up research that adds onto the global scope of the issue discussed in this chapter. (Jones largely talks about the textile industry as he focuses on the Rana Plaza incident as his central example. What other industries exploit borders for cheap labor and are complicit in worker exploitation and human rights abuses?) 

Always cite your sources by indicating page numbers for any quotes you may have used from the book and linking in URLs to any research conducted. See helpful Canvas Guides below. 

Reply to two posts (AT LEAST 50 WORDS FOR EACH)

In your replies, review the examples provided by your peers, evaluating their work and offering additional examples from Chapter 6 and/or your research. Are Jones’ ideas accurately conveyed? Are the examples of evidence provided accurately categorized according to types of evidence? Are there any other examples of evidence worth sharing? Are there additional perspectives that Jones includes? Offer your commentary and offer additional information form Chapter 6 and/or your follow-up research. (Use the toolbar to link in the URL to any source you use; you can also use the toolbar to embed any images or videos that you referenced. See Helpful Canvas Guides below).

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