English homework help




  • Carr uses a metaphor to compare how he used to read compared to how he now reads. Find the metaphor and explain it.
  • In paragraph 5, Carr says that when he mentions “my troubles with reading to friends and acquaintances— literary types, most of them— many say they’re having similar experiences.” Why does he emphasize that he is talking to literary types?
  • Throughout the essay, Carr quotes several people like Bruce Friedman, Maryanne Wolf, and Clay Shirky. Why does he include these quotations?
  • Explain how the author uses paragraphs 1 and 19 to frame his essay. How do these two paragraphs work together to enhance the essay?



  • Think of all the reading you do, as described in paragraph 9. How much do you think you actually read each day? Does what you’ve discovered change your belief about yourself as a reader?
  • Carr references Scott Karp, who asserts that the way people think has changed. Do you agree or disagree with this assessment? If the way people think has changed, do you believe this should affect the way teachers teach? Support your answer.
  • Carr writes, in paragraph 9, “When we read online, she says, we tend to become ‘mere decoders of information.’ Our ability to interpret text, to make the rich mental connections that form when we read deeply and without distraction, remains largely disengaged.” Why do you think he believes this could be a problem? Do you agree with him? Explain your answer.
  • What point is Carr making in paragraph 12? Do you agree? Can you think of additional examples? Explain your answer.