English homework help


After reading all assigned materials for this week – especially the essay 2 prompt,  TPRW chapter 5 (連結到外部網站。) (working thesis essay) and the sample essay預覽文件 – respond with at least one thorough paragraph (7+ sentences) here with your answers to the below questions:

  • Are you clear on what a working thesis essay is and what the essay 2 prompt is asking you to do?  How is this different than other essays you have written?
  • How would you describe the strengths and weaknesses of the sample essay assigned (not the sample given in chapter 5 ; that one is weak)?

After you post, respond to at least two classmates: you can look for those you agree with and share your common points, or look for those with different views and offer your differing perspective. Your peer responses should also be at least one paragraph (5-6 sentences or more).

http://www.stevendkrause.com/tprw/chapter5.html (link for reading)


Essay 2 Assignment Instructions (Working Thesis Essay) ( just have to read this, no need to work for this!!!)

Final Draft Due: week 4 (see Canvas for due dates) Worth: 20% of your total grade

Rough Draft Due: week 3 (see Canvas for due dates)


  • To demonstrate critical reading and thinking skills
  • To illustrate the ability to formulate a strong and compelling thesis statement
  • To understand how to utilize pre-writing and revising techniques
  • To prepare an MLA-formatted essay to serve as a plan for a research essay
  • To illustrate how to take feedback on previous essay to improve in a subsequent essay

For essay #3, you will be writing a “Working Thesis Essay,” as described in chapter 5 of TPRW (連結到外部網站。) . After reviewing this prompt, the research essay prompt, and the sample essay(s), write your own MLA-formatted working thesis essay, following the instructions below:


Write a brief narrative essay where you discuss the topic you have decided to research and write about.  Tell your audience, your fellow classmates and your instructor how you arrived at this topic, some of the other ideas you considered in your brainstorming activities, and the working thesis you have settled on for the start of your project. Also, be sure to let us know about some of the initial library [or other online/credible] research you have found so far.

Even though this is a short essay (approx. 750 words), it should be very detailed, show evidence of significant thought and consideration, as also illustrate that you have started your research by including several credible sources you have found. In addition, attention to the feedback you received on essay 2 peer reviews should be obvious with evidence of revision and editing on this essay.

*This essay is required to move onto essay 3 (the research essay). Students who change their topics for the research essay after writing this essay must first complete a new working thesis essay based on the new topic