English homework help

After watching the two videos and reading “MLA,” please post a rough draft of your Documented Essay in Week 13 Discussions.
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp0dmbTWK2Q
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1PJRIQrqTo
Should we abolish the death penalty? YES
Make Sure Your Paper Has the Following:
– A clear thesis statement 
– Cite four scholarly sources
– Develop all your paragraphs
– Specific detail
– Varied sentence structure
– Avoid monotony
– Use  transitional words to indicate the order of events and signal shifts in  time        (i.e. first, second, next, then, later, at the same time,  meanwhile, immediately, soon, before, earlier, after, afterward, now,  finally etc.)
– Use Font 12 Times New Roman, Double-space entire document, 1″ margins
– The essay should be four pages of research (Type until the last line).  Do  not write below or over four pages of research.  Failure to comply with  the page requirement will result in a one full grade deduction off your  essay grade.  The fifth page of your Documented Essay is the  works cited page.   It can exceed or go below a page, depending on how  many citations you may have.