English homework help

Step 1: Read the job posting and the three sample resumes. Then, explain in about 150 words who did a better job matching their experience with the job posting. So it’s not about who has the best experience for the job, but who created the strongest resume and why: sample resumes.docx  Preview the document
Step 2: Research two companies you could realistically apply to today and write a 300-company profile for each company (600 words in total) to highlight what’s important to them (if you have already completed Additional Task 2, you can use the same company profiles). Things to consider: the company’s history, founders, detailed description of what it does, number of employees, its values and standards, mission statement, objectives, achievements, current projects, etc. Some of this information will be given to you by the company’s website, some of it will have to be read between the lines. If images or screenshots from the websites help you describe the companies, use them but don’t forget to explain what they show. Be sure to provide a link to the companies’ websites. No need to cover everything: Since 300 words is not a lot to describe a company, focus on the most relevant elements that will help make sense of the choices you have made in your résumé for each company.
Here’s an example of a company profile: Company Profile Sample.pdf Preview the document
Step 3: Then, create two different resumes, one for each of the two companies you’ve researched and include a 200-word reflection on how you’ve created them in way that would match the companies. Explain why the two resumes are different, yet each is appropriate for its intended company and would not be effective if sent to the other one. Be sure to compare and contrast your choices in the resumes for the two companies.