English homework help


Whenever writing in academia, you must remember to cite your sources in order to gain credibility and aid your readers in finding the source information. Typically, this is done through in-text citations and a works cited page at the end of your paper. For this assignment, you will be creating an annotated bibliography, which is the source information, in MLA format, and a short paragraph summarizing, judging the validity, and briefly explaining how you will use the source.

*Note: If your discipline uses a different citation style to MLA, you may request permission from the instructor to use that citation style.


  • MLA citation style
  • 3-5 sources
  • No minimum page length, but 1-2 pages anticipated


Annotated Bibliography RubricAnnotated Bibliography RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations40.0 to >37.0 ptsExemplaryCitations follow MLA format correctly with no errors; alternative citation style was pre-approved by instructor; 3-5 sources37.0 to >34.0 ptsProficientCitations follow MLA style well with some errors present; alternative citation style used without pre-approval by instructor; 3-5 sources34.0 to >30.0 ptsSatisfactoryCitations are mostly incorrect and/or missing information but it is apparent that student tried to cite; less than 3-5 sources30.0 to >0 ptsNeeds ImprovementCitations contain significant errors; no attempt to write out citations40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnnotations40.0 to >37.0 ptsExemplaryannotations include a summary, address credibility, and include how the source will be used; annotations are free of grammar and mechanics errors37.0 to >34.0 ptsProficientannotations may be missing one of the following: summary, credibility, and how the source will be used; annotations are relatively free of grammar and mechanics errors34.0 to >30.0 ptsSatisfactoryan attempt at an annotation was made but student did not follow guidelines; does not include pertinent information; grammar and mechanics errors hinder meaning30.0 to >0 ptsNeeds Improvementannotations are missing or incomprehensible.40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimeliness20.0 to >18.0 ptsExemplarysubmitted on time18.0 to >15.0 ptsProficientsubmitted late with prior faculty approval or retroactive accepted excuse15.0 to >12.0 ptsSatisfactorysubmitted more than 3 days late12.0 to >0 ptsNeeds Improvementsubmitted more than one week late20.0 pts