English homework help

1. Read the instructions clearly and carefully before accepting the assignment(Do not write the topic in general, Consider a real-time person as above and cultivate a story and compare with some real-time cultural differences)

2. APA Style with the word count(300 words per page)

3. Citations throughout the paper along with strict plagiarism check

4. Requirement in pages(3): Draft (800 words minimum length; show your word count)

5. Must explicitly write and Cite some lines from the assigned readings (attached document Quijano)


Distinct behavioral cultural differences between senior American citizens and senior Indian citizens (Elaborate 3 cultural differences)
Draft and final paper should talk more about the real-time, A person (me) trying to arrange a class in the university specifically for old white Americans(considering Oklahoma where we have a majority of old white Americans ) to guide them on how to getting enrolled for the vaccination and helping them out with this difficulties by arranging a class in the university and proposing new ideas and having a more in-depth discussion on how they are facing the difficulty to take vaccine and enrolment and how it can be mitigated and what you are doing personally to help them, Additional examples to compare and contrast. Compare with India how they are getting the vaccine (probably in some positives and negatives, compare that with white Americans in the USA and explain the possible cultural differences)

Summary of this requirement – Consider the TOPIC in question title and write the paper only based on this topic, do not write in general or online information, Consider a person(Myself from India) who has seen the cultural differences between two cultures – Explain in detail about 3 differences (senior white Americans and senior white Indians- This can be taken from books/online with citations) And write about the TOPIC as given in details