English Language and Literature homework help

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic The Evolution of Leadership, Transformational Leadership, and Transformational Leadership. The times demand cost-effectiveness and unfortunately, companies see downsizing as the easiest way to cut costs. This is where enlightened Leadership comes into play. To survive the difficult times is the test of the strength of leadership. Change has always been a constant but the new requirements are different. In better times change meant a fresh outlook, greater market opportunities, business expansion, and global reach. all of which meant that leadership focus was to increase the workforce. Today the change requirements need an Inspirational Leadership that can retain the skilled worker, retrain him and make the best possible use of this human capital.Traditional leadership ruled by Diktat. Under it, subordinates were rewarded for compliance with the leaders’ wishes. The leader preferred experience overtraining and promoted “Homosocial Reproduction” and hired and sponsored individuals who were similar to him (Ragins & Sundstrom, 1989). Obviously innovation and imagination took a backseat.Parallel to this was the Upper Echelon type of leadership that created a sense of elitism surrounding leadership positions. The top executives responded to situations based on their own interpretation values of the situation through a mixture of personal experiences, personality type and behavior (Hambrick & Mason, 1984). This involved their cognitive base, inadequate values, limited field of vision, selective perception, interpretation, managerial perception, and strategic choice (Hambrick, 2007). The result was a myopic view of employee outputs and the inability to cope with external challenges.When these perspectives failed to respond to competition, a new leadership was born. They believed in empowering the workforce and in the power of Team Leadership (Gabrielsson et al2007). This became popularly known as Servant Leadership and strongly believed that the leader was no the only force that shapes an organization (Greenleaf 1977).&nbsp.