English Language and Literature homework help

Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses Cmrj 502.They work in partnership with the police forming part of the prosecution that ensures correct charges through elimination of non-viable cases (Cook, et al., 2005).With the help of use of “threshold test”, the decision on whether a bail or custody is to be executed is determined before charge. The decision on how to carry out the prosecution process is divided into two stages where “two stage tests” are undertaken. The two tests are carried out in turns by the crown prosecutors. The first stage which is the evidential stage involves the submission of sufficient evidence that must provide a realistic prospect of some conviction. If the case does not go through this stage, the case does not proceed. The public interest is the second stage where the interest of the public is considered. This is because according to lord Shawcross (1951), prosecution has never been automatic since public interest must be satisfied if conviction is to result in a sentence.As part of their role, CPS advises the police on cases for possible prosecution while being guided by the code for prosecutors on how to give timely responses while sticking to their charging standards which aims at restoring the CPS/police arrangements and joined up working (Vines,