English Language and Literature homework help

Hi, I need help with essay on Ratification: An end and a beginning. Paper must be at least 750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!What the author attempts to do is to deliver a vivid scene of how the colonists were struggling for the ratification. Middlekauff describes how people perceived the events and their importance and what inspired them to act the way they did.The nature of American society emerged from the Revolutionary War. People started to believe that this land is where their nation should be built and learned how to cooperate and function in the vast territories. The sense of liberation and virtue inspired the development of the Constitution as an instrument to protect virtue and freedom. The tyranny over the colonies should be brought to an end and Government which serves the people created. The delegates placed their trust in the people, because they all face together the British oppression. The established government protected the property rights and the rights of the minority groups. The founders concentrated on writing a national legislature representative for the people.In the last chapter Middlekauff shows how difficult and long was the process of the American Constitution and its final ratification. Americans are presented with having the strong conviction and faith that they need their independence. For me the American Constitution is the ultimate symbol of liberation and independent human spirit. The American Constitution is a model how cooperation between various groups could be made and a consensus and compromise reached. Before the ratification the main points that caused the greatest controversies were how much to delegate to the central government, and how many representatives there should be in the Congress. Most importantly, the number of directly elected representatives had to be determined, as well as the number of people elected by the state legislators.Middlekauff successfully persuades the reader of the great difficulties, debates and