>Environmental science homework help

Identify the UN Sustainable Development Goal you are focusing on. Present evidence for why this goal ( Climate action) is important and worthwhile as an area of focus.

Your team has been asked to pick 1 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (see below for link) and then research how 3 major companies – local if possible – have taken action to work towards achieving that goal.

After describing what the 3 companies are doing, you should identify 1 of the specific corporate initiatives you discussed and make a case for why all North Texas companies should follow suit and incorporate that initiative into their company practices.

They are expecting you to be persuasive, to verbally cite at least four sources, and to present for 6 minutes.

In your presentation, you should do the following:

  1. Identify the UN Sustainable Development Goal you are focusing on. Present evidence for why this goal is important and worthwhile as an area of focus.
  2. Describe initiatives by 3 companies that somehow relate to the goal (3 companies, 1 initiative each).
  3. Persuade the audience that one of these initiatives is more effective/practical than the others. Suggest steps that North Texas companies could take to incorporate this initiative into their own practice.

Topic Selection:

Pick a topic from the UN list of Sustainable Development Goals: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/

As you see, these topics are very broad and most are not directly related to ‘business,’ generally-speaking. Your task requires you to pick one of the goals and then hone in on 3 things that *businesses* are currently doing to impact the topic.

Here are some examples of how you could ‘business-ify’ some of the UN goals:

  1. Good health and well-beingWhat can managers do to promote employee wellness? How can larger scale changes be made to improve employee health across a large organization?
  2. Decent work and economic growthThe goal for the UN is for people to have “quality jobs.” What’s a quality job? How can we promote that in the United States? How could larger corporations promote that globally?
  3. Reduced inequalities. Particularly when considering global business, what can organizations do to reduce poverty globally?
  4. Peace, justice, and strong institutionsStand up for human rights. How can businesses address practices considered unethical or illegal in the United States? For example, consider bribery or political corruption.