Financial markets homework help


EARLY ENGLAND                                               



  1. Discuss one of the following two:


  1. Bede’s Account of the Synod of Whitby.  Include the following topics in your discussion:
  • Issue(s) at stake
  • Arguments put forward by Celtic and Roman spokesmen
  • Oswy’s decision and why
  • Probable explanation for decision


  1. Bede: Conversion of Anglo- Saxons to Christianity
  • Role Gregory I played
  • Advice Gregory gave to the missionaries
  • Factors/considerations that facilitated/determined the conversions of Ethelbert of Kent and Edwin of Northumbria


  1. Discuss one of the following two:


  1. Gildas’ Account of the Saxon Invasion of Britain.  Include the following topics in your discussion:
  • Role Vortigern played
  • Gildas’characterization of the Saxons
  • Fate of the Britons and their lands
  • Gildas as a historian/Did he have an agenda? Discuss


  1. William of Malmesbury’s Account of the Battle of Hastings

Contrast of the Anglo Saxons and the Normans including

  • Preparation for battle
  • Practices/style of life
  • Condition of the church at the time of the battle



 III.  Alfred the Great’s engagement with the Vikings. Include:


  • How Alfred responded to the Viking threat under Guthrum (Steps he took, Athelney, Battle of Edington/ Treaty of Wedmore)
  • Discuss, in detail, Alfred’s military reforms to deal with the Vikings.


  1. IV. William of Poitiers’ Account of the Battle of Hastings


  • William of Normandy and Harold Godwin’s claims to the English throne
  • The virtue and vices the author attributed to William and Harold
  • The battle itself, in terms of placement of armies, weapons and tactics
  • How William gained the victory