Financial markets homework help

Assignment:  A major professional sports team has hired your group to develop a ‘Corona-Communication’ Plan”.  You can choose from the following five franchises: MLB, NBA, PGA TOUR, NHL or NFL. You will submit a Creative Brand Brief with the details of your plan. Your plan will have the following parts:

  1. Background / Overview (15 points 2 pages): You will research one of the aforementioned sports teams to determine the impact that the Coronavirus has had on their franchise.

What’s the big picture? What’s going on in the market? Any opportunities or problems in the market?
This is where you introduce the project to the creative team. You’ll go over this again in the briefing session, but write it down as well.
ExampleP&G is launching a new line of household cleaning products under the brand name, “O Earth”. The marketing problem is the rapid rise of brands like Method that are capturing a younger market. Our business goal, therefore, is to create a product line

  1. Objective: what is the goal of the ad or campaign? 5 points (1 paragraph)

Write a concise statement of the effect the ad should have on consumers. Typically expressed as an action. And frequently focused on what the ad should make the audience think, feel, or do. Consider both marketing and sales objectives.
ExampleThe primary objective is to persuade the audience to buy and use O Earth laundry detergent, as well as to create and characterize this new brand.

  1. Target audience: who are we talking to? 5 points (1 paragraph)

An audience profile is more about how real people think, feel and behave than it is about numbers and percentages. The aim here is to paint a portrait of the audience – a verbal picture that the creative team can talk to and visualize.
Start with a few basics: Who are they? Where are they? How will we communicate with them? What else do we need to know about them?
Go beyond basic age, location and gender data to humanize demographic details with insights and lifestyle information.
One way to do that is to explain how the audience currently thinks, feels and behaves in relation to the product category, to competitors, as well as to the client. For example:
Example: We are looking primarily at urban women, 18 – 34, with household incomes over 50K per year. But the most important fact about this audience is that it is evolving, with race and ethnicity reflecting the increasing diversity of the US population. The magic word is “multicultural.” We are not talking to average suburban housewives.
Psychographically we call this audience PRACTICAL ROMANTICS. They understand that climate change is real, caused by humans, and that the chemicals they use directly impact the environment. They understand the risks to future generations, and they will alter their behavior to help the environment.
At the same time, they buy cleaning products to clean. They won’t use weak or expensive products just because they are labeled environmentally friendly. Keep in mind this audience does not have strong opinions or feelings about the product category (laundry detergents) and tend to use the same products as their parents.

  1. Message: what’s the most important thing to say or show? (5 points- 1 paragraph)

Here you want to identify the single most persuasive statement, or compelling visual, you can present to achieve the objective. Keep it simple. Avoid generalities.
Example: O Earth liquid laundry detergent uses a new, plant based chemistry that aggressively targets and removes dirt, stains and grease – with zero harm to the environment.
In this TVC we see both rational and emotional motives for the action. Notice, no words. Just a visual story and music.

  1. Reasons why: what are the most compelling reasons to believe, to try, to buy?

(5 points- 1 paragraph)
List the rational and emotional reasons for consumers to believe what you say, to try the product, to buy the service. Include all major copy points and visual evidence listed in order of relative importance to the consumer.
1) Dirt killer. New, scientifically advanced formula, aggressively targets and removes wide variety of dirt, stains and grease.
2) Earth lover. New plant based chemistry breaks down completely and naturally in the environment leaving no harmful chemicals.
3) Dollar deal. Get a full size container of new O Earth liquid laundry detergent for $1. This limited time, introductory offer will be via coupon affixed to the package.
4) Money saver. Save hundreds of dollars long-term with convenient, bulk refill companion products.
5) Waste eliminator. Exclusive “Select & Pull” dispenser trigger delivers the perfect amount of liquid for the load size.

  1. Execution: How will you creatively meet the objectives of the campaign?

(15 points-1 page)
What platforms will you use?  For example, will you use T.V., Print, Mobile, Social Media, P.R., Sponsorships, Events, Direct Mail, etc.
-Outline the objectives (e.g. create awareness, interest, change attitudes, drive immediate sales etc?)
-Determine how much of your budget will be allocated to each part of your promotional mix