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Complete 1 page APA formatted article: Addressing Perceived Ethical Misconduct. Addressing Perceived Ethical Misconduct Affiliation Addressing Perceived Ethical Misconduct Certain ethical issues face doctors practicing in correctional mental health facilities. Many of these issues are connected with the environmental set up of the correctional facility and changes in these facilities which has deviated from treatment to security. As Weinberger et al., (1994) states, the function of mental health practitioners has changed. The changes result from the existing ideologies of the administration in charge of correctional facilities (Weinberger & Screenivasan, 1994)In the perceived case, it is important to follow the appropriate ethical guidelines. They may not provide a solution, but they should reflect professionalism. The American Psychological Association for which Dr. R is a member has five guiding principles that should guide a psychologist. In this scenario, it would be advisable that as a professional, I explain the ethical responsibility of my work to the correctional facility. Hence, I would explain to the correctional facility what is expected of me and if they listened, then inform them of my decision to tell the inmate the purpose of my evaluation. It is vital that administrators of the correctional facility understand that it is an ethical obligation to inform the inmate of the purpose of undertaking an evaluation on the inmate. When such a conflict arises, it is important to explain the obligation to the Ethics Code. One principle, a psychologist, should take into account is that of beneficence and non-maleficence (Association, 2014). It requires the psychologist to ensure that whatever is conducted is done for the benefit of the client. Respect for the dignity and right of the client is important. In this case, the client is an inmate whose decision making is under control. It is ethical for the psychologist to protect his or her right and welfare (Pollock, 2011).BibliographyAssociation, A. P. (2014, n.d. n.d.). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Retrieved from American Psychological Assocition:, J. (2011). Ethical Dilemnas and Decisions in Criminal Justice (7th ed.). NewYork: Cengage Learning.Weinberger, L. E., & Screenivasan, S. (1994, May). Ethical and professional conflicts in correctional psychology. Research and Practice, 25(2), 161-167. Retrieved from