Gender Studies homework help

This is a paper that is focusing on the RCI research essay assignment for HIST 105. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper.,The RCI research essay assignment for HIST 105,RCI Research Assignment,Introduction, Welcome to the Research Assignment for HIST 105: Roots of Contemporary Issues. This set of assignments includes 4 research/analysis components completed over the course of the semester that will culminate in a minimum 1300-word (five page) research essay in which you examine the historical roots of a contemporary issue of interest to you. In these four library research assignments, you will use ,WSU Libraries,‘ resources to:,1.     Firstly, identify an issue of contemporary global significance of which you intend to explore the historical roots and global dimensions.,2.     Secondly, gather appropriate sources for your chosen topic and learn how to differentiate kinds of sources.,3.     Thirdly, develop an initial thesis statement for your research essay: a hypothesis about the potential historical roots of your contemporary issue – and revise it in light of new sources.,4.     Fourthly, critically analyze the sources that you gather and identify useful passages and information within.,5.     Connect newly found sources to those you previously located.,6.     Lastly, learn how to cite sources correctly according to historical disciplinary standards.,The RCI research essay assignment for HIST 105,In Part I you will explore current newspaper and find search terms in order to identify a contemporary issue and its historical roots for study throughout the semester. Your contemporary issue should be of interest and importance to you, centrally international (global) in scope, have historical dimensions you can analyze, and should also connect to one or more of the broader themes of this course (humans and the environment, globalization, inequality, diverse ways of thinking, and/or the roots of contemporary conflicts). You will conclude part one by developing two preliminary research questions based on the initial sources that you gather. After you’ve completed part one, your instructor and/or your teaching assistant will assess your choice of topic, your selection of sources, and your research questions. They will make comments and suggestions as necessary.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,