Geology homework help


In the experiment you will explore how topography affects the rate of sea level rise and the effects of sea ice versus glacial ice on sea level rise.

  1. Make marks up the side of the mold, each 0.5 inches apart.

Let one inch = 200 feet

  1. Form the modeling clay into two flat-topped mountains.

One mountain should have relatively steep sides.
The other mountain should have gently sloping sides.
The mountain should be at least one inch high, one inch wide at the top, and two inches wide at the bottom.

  1. Place the steep-sloped mountain in the plastic mold.


  1. Fill the plastic mold with enough water to reach the first mark (0.5 inches from the bottom). Examples are shown for the steep-sloped mountain:

Steep-sloped Mountain
and the shallow-sloped mountain:
Shallow-sloped Mountain

  1. Place four ice cube in the water.


  1. Using a permanent marker, mark where the water intersects the mountains.


  1. After the ice melts, record how the water level changed in Data Table 1.


  1. Once the ice has completely melted, empty the mold.


  1. Repeat steps 3 – 8, except instead of placing the ice cubes in the water, place them on top of the steep-sloped mountain.


  1. Repeat steps 3 – 8, except instead of placing the ice cubes in the water, place them on top of the shallow-sloped mountain.


  1. Repeat steps 3 – 8, except instead of placing the ice cubes on top of the shallow-sloped mountain, place them in the water.


  1. Complete the Data Table 1 on the next page and submit it.

You can submit Data Table 1 in any form you like: handwritten, screenshot, whatever works for you.