Government homework help

Democracy Paper Instructions
Write a 3-4 page essay (800 words, not including the title page and bibliography) that answers the following questions:
1. Compare and contrast the elements of American democracy with the critiques or support of democracy presented by ancient and classical political theorists. How was the American Founding influenced by ancient/classical political theory when establishing our democratic republic?
2. In light of America’s influence by ancient and classical political thinkers, should a Christian support or critique democracy as a political regime, and why?
Formatting Requirements:
1. Include a title page in current Turabian format.
2. Font should be double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12. All margins should be 1”
3. Use current Turabian Author-Date style for all citations (i.e. parenthetical citation only—no footnotes). Paper must include a properly formatted bibliography in current Turabian Author-Date style.
4. Paper should be between 800 words (3-4 pages), not including the title page and bibliography.
5. Page numbers should be included in the upper right-hand corner.
6. In addition to referencing the textbook and Scripture, paper must include 2-3 secondary sources to justify the student’s argument and/or conclusions.
7. Refer to Democracy Paper Rubric for other formatting requirements