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Lake Sumter State College Nutrition Energy Balance & Weight Management Q&As


Topic: Energy Balance and Weight Management

To prepare the answers for this discussion, read chapters 5 and 16 in the textbook. You may also find and read scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals on the LSSC’s Library home page at Select databases to find journals. You can also try  Google Scholar at  (Links to an external site.)

As you read, ask yourself this question. 

What can I do to maintain energy balance?  Since you already know that food intake and overweight is of concern in our society today this question is important in the understanding of energy balance and weight management.

Considering that many people believe that dietary intake is excessive, weight management is a struggle for many young and old persons. Understanding what we eat  is fundamental to change.


  • Components of Energy Expenditure concepts on pages 62-66
  • Basic Science of Energy Imbalance concepts on pages 282-284

for the application to you, your community, and globally.

After reading chapters 5 and 16 answer the questions below in the discussion forum and submit for grading. Do not submit an attachment.

  1. Describe energy homeostasis
  2. Summarize the three components of energy expenditure
  3. In one sentence describe the difference between energy balance and energy imbalance 
  4. Diet and activity influence energy balance. What categories of nutrient dense foods would decrease caloric intake and how much daily physical activity would complement this decision?
  5. List basic principles of energy imbalance (chapter 16).