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Occupational Health Nurse Community Discussion Board Questions



•As the occupational health nurse in a factory that produces components for automobiles, you notice that there has been a marked increase in employee illness and absence within the last month. While the incidence of illness and absence are significant, the potential causes are not so clear-cut.
1.How would you go about assessing the workplace for potential hazards?
2.What types of potential exposures and hazards are in the workplace?
3.What are the components of the agent–host–environment interaction in the workplace?

•The community health nurse has been requested to open a new hospice case at a local assisted living facility. The patient has end-stage dementia and needs the services provided by Medicare hospice benefits. The daughters have a lot of questions about the services provided with hospice.
1. The community health nurse provides a brief overview of hospice. According to the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, how is hospice defined?
2. The community health nurse reviews with the daughters conditions that must be met in order for their mother to obtain Medicare hospice benefits. What are those conditions?
3. The patient believes in an afterlife and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. As a protestant, what rituals have to be considered for this patient?
4. This patient is having a lot of difficulty with dyspnea. What are appropriate nursing interventions to consider for dyspnea?