Health Medical Homework Help

SCC Protein Facts and Meals Discussion


I’m working on a nutrition question and need a reference to help me learn.

Protein Facts


To create a summary sheet about Proteins!


Please read the instructions below closely and create a summary sheet about Proteins that includes the following elements:

  1. Food sources: a) Vegan, b) Vegetarian, and c) Omnivore
  2. Your favorite recipe that includes a substantial amount of protein – the recipe should be mainly nutrient dense (i.e. “healthy”). You can include your own recipe or google something and cut and paste the recipe like last week. You can have fun and focus on fish or a vegan recipe – I encourage you to mix it up!
  3. List jobs that proteins has in our body! There are a lot, so list away!
  4. The basic digestion and absorption process of proteins using your own words – this is important: keep it simple and use your own words
  5. A description of protein synthesis (use your own words…include DNA, mRNA, tRNA, transcription, translation, and Ribosome)

Part 2

Please make sure to watch the video posted in this module and listen to the Audio Lecture before you start on this.

  1. In your initial post address if you are following a vegetarian diet (if so what type) or if you are you considering it? Do you think that you may be healthier if you did? Make sure this post is at least five sentences in length.
  2. Compose two thoughtful replies to your peers.