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Barstow Community College Tombstone Health Discussion and Responses


Reflect on the following:

Take the tombstone test: What would you like to have written on your tombstone?

Describe yourself, as you are today: How would you like to be remembered and how do you think your family and friends see you?

Try the adjective test: Choose three adjectives you would like to have people associate with your character.


  1. Write what you would like to have on your tombstone.
  2. Discuss how you would like to be remembered;
  3. List the three adjectives you would like to have your reputation associated with; 


Keirsten McPheeters

What I would like to have written on my tombstone would have to be “she was a very loving daughter, wife, mom, sister, and to anyone she’s met, always the life of the party”. And maybe after that I would have some type of bible verse or a song lyric that would fit me. I would like to be remembered as a very friendly nice and honest person who’s respectable and someone you can count on. Very loving and someone whom you’d say you like having around. Life of the party and very funny. Someone who’s always going to be there for you throughout everything, and someones who’s always a phone call away who would be the first you call with anything you’d need.Three adjectives I would like people to associate with my character would definitely have to be accountable, caring, humble. I feel like those would be the best ones that would fit my character as a person. ———————————–

  • Frank Baird
  • I would like my tombstone to read loving husband father and son. A simple man of integrity and honor that stood for good. I think that I stand up for what is right and guide my family in the right direction. I would like to be remembered as an individual that followed the laws of the land and taught my children the right way to live. I would like to be remembered as an honest and faithful husband that put my wife before myself. I would like people to know that I would not lie to them but I would respectfully tell them the truth. The three adjectives that I would like to have people associate my character with include humble, trustworthy, and strong. I feel that I am humble because I am respectful to everyone and do not just think about myself. I feel I am trustworthy because I am honest and pride myself in this. I feel I am strong and stand for what I believe in.