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Aurora University Schizophrenia Evidenced Based Treatment Paper


Using Evidence Based Practice with clients

Read and watch the materials provided in this module before completing this discussion board. Using the same video from the previous module,

DreamSchemaMedia. (2011, Oct 18). Understanding the MSE – Lisa (w/- commentary) [Video]. YouTube.

Based on this module’s materials, reflect on the assessment that is completed in the video. Please include in your answer:

  1. What are the three specific problems that you noted in the previous module that would need to be addressed during the course of treatment? Remember to consider the patient’s concerns about her environment as well as her mental health.
  2. Identify one evidenced based treatment that is used for individuals with schizophrenia. You will need to identify two peer-reviewed articles (see the Aurora University library) to support the use of this treatment with individuals with schizophrenia as an evidenced based treatment. Provide the citations for the two peer-reviewed articles in APA format.
  3. Create three SMART goals for the three problems that you identified. Make sure that they are supported by the evidenced based treatment model that you chose.
  4. Identify one intervention for each of the goals that you created that will help the client to achieve their SMART goal.
  5. If you were the hospital social worker that was assigned to work with this patient, what might you find challenging in motivating the client?