Health Medical Homework Help

KU The Health Issues Affecting People in Alaska Essay


This week you will submit Part 1 of the four-part project.  For this project,  you will assume the role of a public health leader in your community (County or City).  In this role,  you are tasked with improving the overall health of your local community.  You have been asked to develop a plan for health promotion and disease prevention and then present your plan to a board of policymakers for approval. 

In Part 1 of your project, you will develop an executive summary describing key aspects of epidemiology.   You will also research and present the top five health care issues in your community and explain the determinants impacting these health issues.  Follow the template provided to address the following areas. 

1. Present to the board a brief history and explanation of epidemiology and how it plays a role in disease prevention and health promotion.   Your goal is to educate the board on the role Epidemiology 

2. Describe the top health issues in your community. Provide data that supports your findings

3. Describe the key determinants to health that impact the top health issues.