Health Medical Homework Help
Northern Virginia Community College Food Label Analysis
Directions: Research three of your favorite processed foods at Follow these steps:
1) Name of Food Product
2) Attach label for each food product
3) EWG Food Score
4) Net Weight
5) Company & Location of Food Manufacturer
6) List the ingredients
(Largest to Smallest)
7) Serving in package & Single serving size
8) Total Calories in package & serving size
9) Total Saturated Fat grams in package & serving size
10) Total Unsaturated Fat grams in package & serving size
11) Total Cholesterol in package & serving size
12) Total Sodium in package & serving size
13) Total Carbohydrates in package & serving size
14) Total Fiber in package & serving size
15) Total Sugar in package & serving size
16) Total Proteinpackage & serving size
17) Choose one concerning ingredient from each of your food choices and answer the following questions for each.
• What are the concerns/dangers of this ingredient?
• What are functions of the items of concern?
18) What are the health claims identified with each of your food choices?
19) Based on your food label research, would you eat this product? (Explain your answer)