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Florida Atlantic University Chapter 13 Efficacy of FMS Discussion


For this assessment you will choose one of the options below:

  • Essay: You are to pick two athletic tests (1RM, T-Test, Vertical Jump, etc.) and create an overview of each athletictest in your own words and discuss its efficacy in relation to Football. There are more tests than the lecture listed so feel free to draw from your own experience. Describing the athletictest and determine (with a thorough explanation) if it is a valid predictor of performance in football. Your assessment should be a minimum of 500 words (250 for each).
  • Essay: You are to write a 500-word essay regarding the NFL combine and its ability to be a good predictor of success. Answer the question, “If an athlete does well at the combine, will they do well in the league?” You are to research players that validate your opinion (players who did well in combine but terrible in the NFL, players who did terrible at combine and were star players in the NFL, or players who NFL performance matched their combine outcome). While this research is not peer-reviewed, please put your sources in the document (No Wikipedia).
  • Essay: You are to write a 500-word essay on the efficacy of FMS, does the FMS and the data it creates actually prevent injuries? You are to find peer-reviewed articles on Pubmed that validate your opinion. The articles must be cited in text. Do not direct quote from the articles, all cited information must be paraphrased.