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Miami Dade College Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons in Netflix Discussion


After watching the episode of “Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons” on Netflix that you selected, I want you to watch another episode from Season 3: Norway: The Perfect Prison?

Discussion Posts

After watching the show …

How does this prison compare to the one you first observed in Part III of this exercise?
How do you think this compares to prisons in the USA?
How does the prison in Norway live our core values and ethical principles?

Value: Service

Ethical Principle: Social workers’ primary goal is to help people in need and to address social problems.

Value: Social Justice

Ethical Principle: Social workers challenge social injustice.

Value: Dignity and Worth of the Person

Ethical Principle: Social workers respect the inherent dignity and worth of the person.

Value: Importance of Human Relationships

Ethical Principle: Social workers recognize the central importance of human relationships.

Value: Integrity

Ethical Principle: Social workers behave in a trustworthy manner.

Value: Competence

Ethical Principle: Social workers practice within their areas of competence and develop and enhance their professional expertise.

After you share your perspective, review, and comment on your colleagues’ posts. Keep challenging one another until you obtain greater clarity on these issues. Could you work inside this prison? What did you find so different between these two settings?