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ELAC What Are Some of The Nursing Implication of This Disaster Response Discussion


peer 1: 

  • What are some of the nursing implication of this disaster?
    • Hurricanes can cause a lot of damage and could kill people between the intensive force and the waves that come crashing onto land. Some nursing implications would be to give first aid to people who have been injured, keep communication lines open because communication is needed in order to get people the help they need. Being able to support the staff while collaborating with other people is helpful because it provides the best care possible for the injured people. In earthquakes where the disaster is caused by friction between the plates a tsunami can occur which can kill many people. With implications, it is good to be update of when and where an earthquake may occur. There are many apps now that help predict and give updates on earthquakes. This is important be it will allow nurses to be prepared for the worst. Tsunami is a result of earthquake where the plate displaces the waves creating a wave that engulfs the coastline. It is important for nurses to know when and where an earthquake might happen especially if they are near a body of water in order to prepare for the disaster. In wildfires, nurses should be concerned about burns if a person is caught within the fire but if not then nurses should be concerned about the air quality.
  • What diseases do you need to be concerned about and how would you protect yourself and others?
    • Some diseases to be concerned about are waterborne diseases such as diarrheal disease, Hepatitis A and E. There are many different disasters but many of them may involve water. With disasters in mind, supplies may be low and drinking contaminated water may occur. People should be sure to drink clean water and seek help if they do have diarrhea. Hepatitis A and E are apparent in poor water sanitation because of fecal-oral transmission. It is important to go to the appropriate shelter to get help and supplies. The need for adequate water and sanitation is very important (Jafari, Shahsanai, & Loghmani, 2011)


Jafari, N., Shahsanai, A., Memarzadeh, M., & Loghmani, A. (2011, July). Prevention of communicable diseases after disaster: A review. Journal of research in medical sciences : the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.…

peer 2: For this week, I choose to research earthquakes. I live in Southern California, so earthquakes here are a very real possibility. Many of us might be aware of this particular zone, but the San Andreas Fault zone is a rather notorious fault zone spanning almost the entirety of California. This was the fault responsible for the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, which was a tragic loss of life. (“Information and resources about the San Andreas Fault”, 2021)

For nursing implications for earthquakes, first and foremost is to find a safe spot to hide (preferably under a sturdy desk) and wait until it is safe to move around. (“The Great California ShakeOut”, 2021) Something that you as a nurse may have to consider is the status of your patients that are receiving treatments such as oxygen. Oxygen tubing may have been dislodged for example. IV infusions may have been stopped or patients might have even fallen depending on how serious the earthquake was.

In regards to diseases, the highest priority would be diseases that carry a high risk of infection. Patients with diseases such as Tuberculosis or COVID that can infect others need to be addressed as soon as possible. Aside from that, patient populations with a compromised immune system need to be assessed as well, due to the high likelihood of sustaining injury during an earthquake. Injuries can lead to infection, and a patient with a suppressed immune system needs to careful with any injury. This can also apply to patient populations with impaired blood clotting as seemingly small injuries can lead to major complications. (“Stay Safe After an Earthquake | Natural Disasters and Severe Weather | CDC”, 2021)