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Purdue Global University Analyzing Data Using Tableau Software Questions


For the Unit 6 Assignment, you will be completing a data mining activity using a predetermined data set that will produce data visualizations to give a picture of specific health issues. Please carefully follow each of the steps for creating your visualization.

  1. Create an empty folder on your computer’s desktop or other easily found location on your computer called “HS305 Unit 6 Assignment.”
  2. Download a copy of the data set from the Course Documents (Medicare_Provider_Charge_Inpatient_DRG100_FY2013.csv) and save it in the “HS305 Unit 6 Assignment” folder.
  3. Open a new Microsoft Word document. Save it as “Last Name HS305 Unit 6 Assignment” using your last name.
  4. If you have not already done so, download Tableau to your computer.
    1. Go to Tableau Online.
    2. Sign up for a free Tableau Online account using your school-provided email address (this is required to complete the assignment).
    3. If you have any issues setting up your account, please contact Tableau Support to submit a ticket.
    4. For help getting started, visit use the Tableau Startup Kit.
  5. Once you have signed up for your Tableau Online account, you will be on the Home page.
  6. In the left-hand column, click on Users.
  7. Click on your name.
  8. Once you are on your User page, click on the down arrow next to “New” and select “Workbook.”
  9. A popup window will appear for you to connect the data you downloaded from the classroom (Medicare_Provider_Charge_Inpatient_DRG100_FY2013.csv).
    1. In the top navigation, click on “Files.”
    2. You can drag and drop the file into the window, or click “Upload from computer” to select and upload the file.
    3. The data set will import into Tableau. When the transfer is complete, it should look like this:

Create the Dashboard:

Follow the steps below to complete your assignment based on the Medicare_Provider_Charge_Inpatient_DRG100_FY2013.csv data set. These data are publically available from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. It is the inpatient charge data for FY 2013 (CMS, 2015).

Part 1

  1. Save your Workbook as “Medicare Costs in FY2013.”

  1. From the “Tables” area, drag and drop “Longitude” into the “Columns” shelf at the top center of the page.
  2. Then, drag and drop “Latitude” into the “Rows” shelf at the top center of the page.
  3. Next, drag and drop “Average Medicare Payment” over the “Color” marks.
  4. Click on the “Average Medicare Payment” bubble in the “Marks” box.
  5. From the drop-down menu, click on “Measures,” and then click on “Median.”
  6. From the “Tables” area, drag and drop “Provider State” over “Label” in the “Marks” box.
  7. Next, click on the “Color” marks box.
  8. Choose “Edit Colors.”
  9. From the “Palate” drop-down, choose “Blue-Teal” and click the “X” in the top right corner of the box.
  10. Rename Sheet 1, “2013 Medicare Payments by State.”
  11. Take a screenshot of the “2013 Medicare Payments by State” sheet and paste it into the Microsoft Word document you saved in the HS305 Unit 6 Assignment folder.

Part 2

  1. Add a new Worksheet (click on the first tab next to the 2013 Medicare Payments by State tab in the bottom navigation). The default name will be Sheet 2.
  2. From the “Tables,” drag and drop “Average Total Payments” into the “Columns” shelf.
  3. Then click on the “Average Total Payments” bubble on the shelf. In the bubble drop-down menu, choose “Measure” and change it to “Median.”
  4. From the “Tables,” drag and drop “Provider State” into the “Rows” shelf.
  5. Then click on the “Provider State” bubble on the shelf. In the bubble drop-down menu, choose “Sort.” Select “Sort By: Field” in the drop-down and click the bubble for “Ascending.” Click the “X” to close the box.
  6. From the “Tables,” drag and drop “Average Covered Charges” over the “Color” marks.
  7. Click on the “Average Covered Charges” bubble under the marks.
  8. Go down to “Measure” and click “Median.”
  9. Click on the “Color” marks box.
  10. Choose “Edit Colors.”
  11. From the “Palate” drop-down, choose “Blue-Teal” and click the “X” in the top right corner of the box.
  12. Rename Sheet 2, “2013 Medicare Charges & Payments by State.”
  13. Take a screenshot of the “2013 Charges & Payments by State” sheet and paste it into the Microsoft Word document you saved in the HS305 Unit 6 Assignment folder.

Part 3

  1. Add a new Worksheet. The default name will be Sheet 3.
  2. From the “Tables,” drag and drop “Average Medicare Payments” into the “Columns” shelf.
  3. Click on the “Average Medicare Payments” bubble drop-down on the shelf. Choose “Measure” from the menu and change it to “Median.”
  4. Then, put “Total Discharges” on the “Rows” shelf.
  5. From the “Tables” menu, drag and drop “Provider State” to the “Label” mark.
  6. Click on the “Analytics” tab in the top left corner, next to “Data.” Under “Model,” double click on “Trend Line.”
  7. Rename Sheet 3, “Correlation Between Discharges and 2013 Medicare Payments.”
  8. Take a screenshot of the “Correlation Between Discharges and 2013 Medicare Payments” sheet and paste it into the Microsoft Word document you saved in the HS305 Unit 6 Assignment folder.

Part 4

  1. Add a Dashboard (the tab with four boxes with a plus in the bottom right corner next to the add Worksheet tab).
  2. From the “Sheets” area in the left column, drag and drop the “2013 Medicare Payments by State” sheet first. Then, add the “2013 Medicare Charges & Payments by State” sheet. Finally, add the “Correlation between Discharges and 2013 Medicare Payments” sheet into the Dashboard.
  3. In the left column, under “Size,” choose “Generic Desktop.”
  4. Click on the “2013 Medicare Charges & Payments by State” box, and click and drag the left side of the box to the center of the Dashboard so the bars are visible.
  5. Move the “Median Average Medicare Payments” color legend between “2013 Medicare Payments by State” and “Correlation Between Discharges and 2013 Medicare Payments” on the left side of the Dashboard. Adjust the size so you can see both the map and scatterplot with ease.
  6. Move the “Median Average Covered Charges” color legend below “2013 Medicare Changes & Payments by State.”
  7. Rename Dashboard 1, “2013 Medicare Payments.”
  8. Take a screenshot of the “2013 Medicare Payments” Dashboard and paste it into the Microsoft Word document you saved in the HS305 Unit 6 Assignment folder.

You should have images of all three Worksheets and the Dashboard you created saved in the Microsoft Word document.

Below your screenshots, address the following:

  1. Write a short reflection regarding your experience using Tableau.
  2. What is one positive of analyzing data using software like Tableau?
  3. What is one negative of analyzing data using software like Tableau?
  4. How does using data visualization software facilitate information retrieval and analysis?

Submitting Your Work

Submit the Microsoft Word document to the Unit 6 Assignment Dropbox.


Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). (2015, June 4). Inpatient charge data FY 2013.