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NSG 456 UO WK 5 The Process of Sharing Research Findings Presentation


This assignment is designed to help you understand how to make your research usable and available to other people in your field.

Develop a dissemination plan for your research. Your plan should include discussion about the following:

  • Audience
  • Who is most likely to use this research?
  • What is the practice setting?
  • End-user needs
  • How should you present data to make it most usable?
  • Is there specific language should you use to ensure your audience understands your purpose?
  • Does the target audience have a specific type of need based on practice setting?
  • Publications
  • What specific journals, newsletters, or publications would would you want to publish in to reach your audience?
  • Presentations at local, state, and national levels
  • What conferences, meetings, or panels would you want to present at to make sure your ideas were readily available in the field?