Health Medical Homework Help

WU Health Diagnosis Factors & Implications on The Patient Health Discussion


    An understanding of the factors surrounding women’s and men’s health, infections, and hematologic disorders can be critically important to disease diagnosis and treatment in these areas. This importance is magnified by the fact that some diseases and disorders manifest differently based on the sex of the patient.

    Effective disease analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond the human systems involved. The impact of patient characteristics, as well as racial and ethnic variables, can also have an important impact..

An understanding of the symptoms of alterations in systems based on these characteristics is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For APRNs, this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.

In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify the elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health.

To prepare:

By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study scenario for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor.

Assignment (1- to 2-page case study analysis)

In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following as it applies to the scenario you were provided (not all may apply to each scenario):

  • The factors that affect fertility (STDs).
  • Why inflammatory markers rise in STD/PID.
  • Why prostatitis and infection happens. Also explain the causes of systemic reaction.
  • Why a patient would need a splenectomy after a diagnosis of ITP.
  • Anemia and the different kinds of anemia (i.e., micro and macrocytic).
Day 7 of Week 10

Submit your Case Study Analysis Assignment by Day 7 of Week 10

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The sample paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.

Rubric Detail


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Name: NURS_6501_Module7_Case Study_Assignment_Rubric


Develop a 1- to 2-page case study analysis, examining the patient symptoms presented in the case study. Be sure to address the following as it relates to the case you were assigned (omit section that does not pertain to your case, faculty will give full points for that section):

Explain the factors that affect fertility (STDs)

23 (23%) – 25 (25%)

20 (20%) – 22 (22%)

18 (18%) – 19 (19%)

0 (0%) – 17 (17%)

Explain why inflammatory markers rise in STD/PID

18 (18%) – 20 (20%)

16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

0 (0%) – 13 (13%)

Explain why prostatitis and infection happen. Also explain the causes of systemic reaction.

18 (18%) – 20 (20%)

16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

0 (0%) – 13 (13%)

Explain why a patient would need a splenectomy after a diagnosis of ITP.

5 (5%) – 10 (10%)

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

3 (3%) – 3 (3%)

0 (0%) – 2 (2%)

Explain anemia and the different kinds of anemia (i.e., micro and macrocytic).

5 (5%) – 10 (10%)

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

3 (3%) – 3 (3%)

0 (0%) – 2 (2%)

Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:

Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance.

A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

3 (3%) – 3 (3%)

0 (0%) – 2 (2%)

Written Expression and Formatting – English Writing Standards:

Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

3 (3%) – 3 (3%)

0 (0%) – 2 (2%)

Written Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, running heads, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

3 (3%) – 3 (3%)

0 (0%) – 2 (2%)

Total Points: 100

Name: NURS_6501_Module7_Case Study_Assignment_Rubric