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GSU Maternal and Child Health Discussion


This submission will incorporate your previous submissions and include culminating sections. Your final project should be a discussion of the issue and its impact on population health (related specifically to maternal and/or child health). You should be sure to incorporate previous feedback into your final submission. Your paper should be organized as follows:

1) Introduction

2) Discussion of issue/why this is a MCH issue (here is where you include relevant statistics and discussion of social determinants that impact the issue)

3) Target population summary for intervention

4) Summary of current interventions. This section should include your assessment of the interventions (strengths, weaknesses, gaps, etc).

5) Your recommendations for an intervention(s) for continuing to address the issue that considers lifecourse perspective and social determinants of health. Your recommendation should be evidence based. You should also make a recommendation that makes a suggestion for improvement or further research within the literature for addressing the issue.

6) Conclusion