Health Medical Homework Help

BPCC Appendicitis Inflammation of Appendix Cause of Abdominal Pain Discussion


1)  Visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases page for Digestive Diseases. (Links to an external site.) Choose one of the diseases listed there and provide the class with the following information:

  • A summary of the disease, including the prevalence, risk factors, signs and symptoms, and treatment. You may need to do additional research on your disease to find the information.
  • List the digestive system structures that could be affected by this disease.
    • List 5 medical terms that are associated with this disease.

2)  Choose a topic related to the male or female reproductive system that you would like to discuss. Please remember to make your discussion appropriate to this class, respectful to your classmates, and relevant to your profession. Some topics covered by former students are:

  • sexually-transmitted diseases
  • breast, ovarian or testicular cancer
  • gender and sexual identification
  • alternative reproductive method

3)  Using reputable websites, such as the National Kidney Foundation (Links to an external site.) or (Links to an external site.) (do not use blogs, wikis, or any site ending in .com or .net) (try the medical databases, such as CINAHL, EBSCO, or Gale medical collections), write an argument listing at least three talking points in favor of kidney transplantation.