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NSG 482 University of Phoenix Clinical Action Plan for the Lakewood City Worksheet


Clinical Action Plan: Community

Assignment Content

  1. Observe your family’s community by driving around the area. Consider aspects of the community that could affect residents’ health and any Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators that may be applicable to the community.
    Conduct your own Windshield Survey. Be sure to include the following components:

    • The age, nature, and condition of the community’s available housing-Ranges from 100 years to new developments going up.
    • Infrastructure needs
    • Roads, bridges, streetlights, etc. -Yes Bridge going over a small river.
    • The presence or absence of functioning businesses and industrial facilities-Small business and factories. A funeral home as well as a county jail.
    • The location, condition, and use of public spaces-Various places and kept up by city and park district.
    • The amount of activity on the streets at various times of the day, week, or year-Can vary.
    • The noise level in various parts of the community- Basically quiet a lot of farm land still. Population 18,000
    • The amount and movement of traffic at various times of day-Depends if school is in session
    • The location and condition of public buildings- Many in walking distance and maintained.
    • The city or town hall, courthouse, etc. Down town
    • Walk ability of community- Plenty of parks and shops.
    • Are there walking paths/biking paths/safety?Yes kept up by park district
    • What is the proximity for walk ability to community resources?
    • Availability of public transportation Yes
    • It’s cost? 1.50 only goes in our own town.
    • It’s accessibility? yes
    • Availability of community centers and public spaces, such as social service centers, public libraries, parks, churches, community centers, recreation centers- Yes to all mentioned
    • Availability of health care facilities and resources, such as clinics and hospitals Easy to walk or drive to.
    • How many are there? 1 hospital and several clinics.
    • Food options available and presence of nutrition Several fast food chains and small diners.
    • Does the area have characteristics of food deserts? Frozen custard
    • Are there grocery stores? Small mom and pop stores have closed down. Major grocery stores 4
    • The presence of homelessness Yes
    • Is there a homeless population?Yes
    • Are there homeless services? yes -Homeless shelter
    • Police/Fire presence 3 Fire houses and 1 police station as well as a County Jail
    • Schools in the area Several Elementary schools 1 Middle school and 1 High school
    • What is the location and physical condition of the schools? Some are new some are remodeled.

    As you compile your Windshield Survey data, be sure to include:

    • Data overview of all community components
    • Strengths of community as evidenced by Windshield Survey
    • Weaknesses (gaps in service) as evidenced by Windshield Survey
    • 1 problem based on the identified gap in community resources as an indicator of potential poor health outcomes

    Compile all your information into the Windshield Survey Template and complete the Data Summary questions at the end. (A Table is provided in the template, but you can create your own table in the document to display your information.) Note: Remove all personally identifying information such as the family members’ names. Refer to family members by initials only No reference citations required for Windshield Survey.Submit your assignment.

    Data Overview/Community Tool Box Indicators25% of total grade

    Strengths of Community

    25% of total grade

    Weakness/Gaps in Health Service Indicators

    25% of total grade

    Identification of a Problem

    20% of total gradeQuality of Written Communication/Use of APA Format/Style5% of total grade