Health Medical Homework Help

University of San Francisco Hyaline Membrane Disease Essay


I don’t know how to handle this Nursing question and need guidance.

1. An infant is born at 27 weeks gestation. Within an hour following delivery the infant develops respiratory distress. A chest radiograph shows poor aeration bilaterally:

2. This same 27 week baby is resuscitated and given ventilatory support, but then develops seizure activity 3 days later:

3. A baby born at term at home develops progressive liver failure in the first year of life. A liver biopsy shows fatty change and portal fibrosis:

4. A term baby appears to have an enlarged abdomen. An abdominal CT scan reveals an enlarged right adrenal gland:

5. An infant is born at term following an uncomplicated delivery. During the first two years of life there are multiple bouts of pneumonia. An elevated sweat chloride is noted: