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CU Remote Collaboration & Evidence Based Practice Essay


For this paper, you will first propose an evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for the pediatric patient in the Villa health scenario and who has cystic fibrosis. Be sure to complete the entire transcript. Next, explain the ways in which an evidence-based practice model was used to help develop the care plan, noting ways that positive patient benefits would be evaluated. For this criterion, you will need to pick a specific EB ( evidence practice model) that can be used. Then, reflect on which evidence was most relevant and useful when making decisions regarding the care plan. At this point you should discuss the rationale or criteria you used to determine relevance and usefulness as well. Finally, identify the benefits and strategies to mitigate the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care when working as part of a remote team. Be sure to discuss how interdisciplinary collaboration could be better leveraged to improve outcomes in future care situations. End the video by noting the benefits of the remote collaboration in the scenario and discuss strategies you found in the literature or best-practices that could help mitigate or overcome two or more challenges you observed in the scenario.