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Components of Effective Communication in Healthcare Question


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Failure to clarify communication and having different perspectives can cause miscommunication at interpersonal and organizational levels. Organizationally, communication barriers include cultural and language barriers, inability to listen to others, different communication styles, and perceptual barriers. For the general success of the organization, employees are supposed to be active listeners and earnest participants. These qualities will ensure effective communication and mutual satisfaction. People with cultural dynamics communicate differently and have different thought processes. Mutual understanding is crucial for successful communication between patients and providers. When communication is culturally insensitive, patients are likely to be less satisfied with the experience of care. Excellent communication allows providers to collect accurate information from their patients. An effective communication method should incorporate the cultural considerations and preferences of the patient. SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation) is one of the most effective communication methods in healthcare. It is a reliable and validated tool and can easily be implemented in a hospital to facilitate information sharing. SBAR tool has improved communication among healthcare providers as it creates a common language (Shahid & Thomas, 2018).


Shahid, S., & Thomas, S. (2018). Situation, background, assessment, recommendation (SBAR) communication tool for handoff in health care – A narrative review. Safety in Health, 4(1).

Thank you for pointing out SBAR! Now,

how about active listening?

How does this play a critical role in teaching your employees how to communicate?