Health Medical Homework Help

Negative Impacts of Globalization & Technological Interdependence Analysis


This assignment involves selecting and viewing a documentary on a topic directly related to globalization and submitting an essay that describes and provides a sociologically relevant analysis of its content.

The documentary should be at least 45 minutes in length.   The paper should be a minimum of 3 pages in length.   The first page and one-half should be devoted to description, emphasizing and detailing the who, what, when, where, and why of the film, in a descriptive voice. The subsequent part should be devoted to analysis and critique. The analysis should be the creative part. It some way, it should dovetail with the class, reading materials, or your own unique insights about the film and globalization.

Students can select a film they find in our Library system (many are available to stream), or a documentary film from Youtube, Netflix, Amazon Prime, or some other source.