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Ashford University Week 3 Ankle Mobility and Flexibility Kinesiology Question


To complete this discussion, please read and watch all of the material linked in the description below and answer both questions: In 2020, the FMS added an Ankle Clearing and altered the Rotary Stability. Please watch the video below to learn why Gray Cook and Lee Burton made these changes (see the word document to access all the links)

– Once you have finished watching the videos above, please answer the following questions:

  1. To the best of your ability, try to perform the “old” rotary stability test and score your results. Now, perform the “new” rotary stability test and score your results. Were were results different? Did the “new” test pick out any asymmetries that were not present in the “old test”? How would this impact the way you design corrective exercise programs in the future?
  2. What are a few key points you learned from the videos describing why ankle mobility is so important to human function? Next, describe how a lack of ankle dorsiflexion and can affect movements such as an overhead squat and an inline lunge. Previously, if a patient scored a 2 or 1 on these movements, we may not have designed correctives for ankle dorsiflexion. Now, with the addition of the ankle dorsiflexion clearing test, we can determine if the lack of ankle dorsiflexion is a contributing factor to a poor score. Based on the videos and your previous knowledge and human movement, what are some examples of ways we can correct ankle dorsiflexion? As we design correctives for ankle mobility, how can the glutes be incorporated?
  3. I have also attached other helpful material and powerpoints check them out. APA format, 300 minium words