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Restorative Justice Discussion Questions


  1. Visit and locate an article that describes a situation that could have been handled in a traditional way but which benefited from a restorative a restorative justice approach. Summarize your findings and discuss the advantages of an alternative approach.

  1. Although phase I studies use nonincarcerated subjects, most of these subjects are still typically underprivileged. Discuss why you think this population is specifically targeted from a social justice perspective, and develop advocacy proposals that could work toward reducing the targeting of this population for phase I study participation.

  1. The American Academy of Psychiatry and the law highlights that forensic mental health research is far too important to be allowed to sink into a sea of oversight requirements now associated with conducting forensic research, If you were to meet collectively with the DOC IRB and the administrator for your state prisons, what would you place on the agenda for your meeting to discuss in order to promote a relationship that values forensic research while maintaining the appropriate protection of subjects?