Health Medical Homework Help

HCA 440 PMIT Local Policy Analysis & the Reviewed Health Policy Discussion


Select and review a health care policy from The Library of Congress website.

Complete a brief analysis of the policy and:

1. In your first post:

• Describe the health policy reviewed.
• Did the policy clearly identify the objective?
• Describe the relevance of the policy to your organization or community (American Asian/Indian).
• Describe how you would change the policy to better align with the objective and the process you would use for this change.

2. Respond to two other classmates with posts that encourage additional discussion on their policy review. Your response post to your classmates should provide a source if your argument differs from your classmate.

Your initial post should be substantive and answer each of the discussion questions presented.

If you select a health policy from a website for your community or The Library of Congress site, please provide a link with your initial response. If you selected a policy from your employer, please upload a copy of the policy with your initial post.