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SPC Leadership Project Plan Worksheet


The purpose of this project is for the student to explore a management issue or problem in the practicum setting that is responsive to strategies proposed by the nurse leader or manager. A clinical topic may not be used. The topic of this project, addressing a leadership or management issue, will be chosen through collaboration with the preceptor, and be specific to the practicum setting. It is permissible to use the same topic you wrote about in the Leadership Theory course, but remember, the choice of topic is reached by a collaboration between you and your preceptor, and must be applicable to where you are doing your Practicum (if you have a preceptor).

Each student will develop a project focusing on an issue or problem through collaboration with appropriate individuals / departments in the practicum setting. The project must address a nursing management issue and be responsive to strategies a nurse leader can and would implement. The instructor and the preceptor (if you have one) MUST approve the project.

There are several steps to this project. A draft of the intended project will be submitted for faculty review and feedback before the final plan is required. Refer to the class schedule for specific due dates.

Use the DRAFT Project Plan template listed above for this assignment. Type your answers into the text boxes on the template.

Topic: Staffing/ Nurse Burnout