Health Medical Homework Help

Zayed University Health & Medical Pathophysiology of Hypertension Presentation



Develop  a PowerPoint presentation with complete speaker notes for a staff  in-service on the pathophysiology and pharmacologic agents for a select  disease process. The total maximum number of slides is 30 (Parts 1 and 2  combined). Your group may determine how to divide the number of slides  between Parts 1 and 2.

Each CLC will choose one disease process to present from the following list with the instructor’s approval:

  1. Alzheimer’s disease
  2. Asthma
  3. Diabetes Type 2
  4. Epilepsy
  5. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  6. Hypertension
  7. Hypothyroidism
  8. Multiple sclerosis
  9. Peptic ulcer disease
  10. Tuberculosis.

Part  1 of the presentation will focus on the physiology and pathophysiology  of the disease, clinical manifestations, and evaluation (e.g., labs,  imaging).