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HWC PE Rug Bayla in The Swimming Practices Case Study


               Review the chapters on cognitive processes from Ormrod or Woolfolk (How to learn according to Piaget, Vygotsky, Information Processing (memory, problem solving, creativity, concept formation, etc), emotions or emotional regulation, social relations and how those get built, the work on moral or ethical training, behaviorism/operant psychology. Is the problem physical: addiction, managing illness, trauma-review that chapter.

               Look at some of the Power Points I have posted to give you “quick notes” on the domain of the problem you identify

               Link to additional materials on line at…

               Evaluate your student. In what domain/s is the primary area where you are going to do training or teaching? Is the problem a thinking one (memory, creativity building), an emotional one (the person is “stuck” with an issue like not being able to identify the emotions in self or others, for example) a behavioral one (the student’s positive behavior is not reinforced and negative behaviors get the person what s/he seeks?) a physical issue where we need to develop a goal for eating better or doing more exercise, or an ethical/moral one where we need to do training of moral reasoning (Kohlberg or Gilligan)  or moral behavior?

                               Focus on explaining the behavior change/will you will the student teach from a developmental/educational psychology perspective.  You may focus most of that discussion on the problem you identify BUT if you have seen any factors from the first paper that might “complicate” the teaching you will do,  you can mention those complications and how you propose to address them. 

               Ok- you know the case of Kylo Ren.

My goal will be that he will response less frequently/harshly when people anger him (I will define this behavioral domain as a need for better emotional regulation).

Complications in his case might be a biological-traumatic-predisposition to violent behavior (Family seems to always be fighting enemies, hiding, witnessing destruction). To counter-act this trauma based reason for behavior, I will give Kylo some repetitive/rhythmic activities to do such as gentle rocking or rubbing his wrist when he starts to feel angry.

Primary growth area and rationale: I have assessed Kylo in relation to the developmental sequence for healthy emotional regulation/development  (Emotion chapter/Temperament Power point).  I see that he seems to have a problem that might have stemmed from the downplaying of emotions in his family and his parents’ inability to assist him with expressing those emotions and placing them into the proper context.  Neither parent seemed good at talking about emotions and at the age of 10 Kylo (Ben) missed out on these discussions with the parents that so necessary to training the brain and mind to integrate those emotions with cognitive executive control. His parents most likely took a stance of always doing “problem” (action and strategy) based coping so Kylo did not learn to do much emotion based coping. Emotions are what drive us to action. The intellectual part is what helps to form the strategy through which this emotion can be enacted. Kylo can formulate strategy well unless the emotions are too strong, a classic sign that the control of emotions and more intellect-based coping are not working together as they should. With no emotions being displayed by his family, Kylo perhaps did not learn the proper display rules around anger and so he was left to study the emotional display rules of the Sith (destroy that which makes you mad). My goal will be to design a set of activities through which Kylo and I start with small frustrations.  We will discuss the frustration and distinguish when an emotional response is primary and when that emotional response should be subordinated to a more “cool” or thoughtful approach. We will talk about the manner in which strong emotion is displayed in the culture in which he hopes to operate. Jedi get angry, they just do not always get in  a “tie-fighter and blow things up”.

In this work, just identify a general goal and how you analyzed the problem using educational/developmental psychology principles. You will go into a more specific plan in the next paper. If you wish to use the taxonomy (cognitive, emotional, physical)for a behavior, you may do so now or wait for paper three

Identifies the domain for the goal (physical, emotional, cognitive, etc)       1Pt

Gives a one to two sentence connecting of this domain choice to a theory/framework   1Pt

Gives a deeper description of the behavior to be taught/gives examples           3 Pts

Connects the behavior to be taught to educational/ developmental  theory or framework    3Pts

Briefly, sets a general goal