Health Medical Homework Help

Miami Dade College Health and Medical Theories Reflection Paper


The two theories I chose were:

  • Theory of Caring (Ch 27)
  • Theory of Comfort (Ch 28)

I have attached the Chapter reading below. As well as two relevant articles needed..

Essay Requirements:

In a single document complete the following:

  • Select two of the four middle-range theories covered in Module 5. (USE THE 2 THEORIES I CHOSE ABOVE).
    • For each of the two selected theories, locate a full text article describing an application of the theory (I HAVE PROVIDED 2 ARTICLES AND THE CHAPTERS FOM MY TEXTBOOK).
    • Provide a brief description of the theory application, a description of the issues surrounding the need for application of the theory, the benefits of applying this theory for the selected patient population, and the functional adequacy of this application for the identified problem (did this theory application help solve a problem or not).
    • Additionally, provide two suggestions for improvement in the application of this theory, including why the suggestions/changes would be helpful.
  • This assignment should be submitted in APA format (7th Edition).
    • Make certain that your font, margins, running head, references, and page numbers are correct along with the other components of APA formatting.
    • Utilize appropriate headings to delineate your answers.
  • Evidence of proofreading including spelling, grammar, and sentence structure.
  • G. The above APA assignment should have at least one reference in addition to your textbook that you obtained from the Cornette Library (I ALREADY PROVIDED THE ARTICLES FOR YOU). Do not utilize web sites as your references.


Jarvis, K. (2019). Swanson’s Theory of Caring: An Application to the Role of Nursing Education. International Journal for Human Caring, 23(3), 266–271.

Krinsky, R., Murillo, I., & Johnson, J. (2014). A practical application of Katharine Kolcaba’s comfort theory to cardiac patients. Applied Nursing Research, 27(2), 147–150.…