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HUN 1201 St Petersburg College Vitamin B12 Nutritional Sciences Research Paper


Research topic is Vitamin B12.

Submit a 2-3 page research paper about the nutritional topic you chose or that was assigned to you. You may use either ASA or MLA format.It should thoroughly cover the nutrient, including RDA’s, sources, deficiency and toxicity symptoms. Make sure that you include everything listed in the posted Rubric, as that is how your paper will be graded. Include a cover page and sources of information and don’t plagarize! Good luck!

Research Paper Evaluation Rubric

A= 150—121 pts. B= 120—89 pts. C= 88—60 pts. D= 59—26 pts. F = 25—0 pts.

Outstanding (25)

Good (20)

Fair (10)

Unacceptable (4)




Clean and professional looking!

Cover page with relevant info, including descriptive title, name, course and date.

Good graphics with appropriate citations. (if applicable).

Professional looking.

Cover page but not complete.

Graphics included (if applicable).

Looks like H.S. paper.

No cover page.

Most relevant information present.

Some section headings, captions, or graphics used (if applicable).

Not professional.

Dirty or ragged appearance.

Missing titles, captions, headings, name of author.

Overall Completeness/Discussion of Topic

Highly informative, complete and easy to understand.

Appropriate vocabulary is used.

Makes you want to do further study.

Informative, complete and understandable.

Appropriate vocabulary is used.

Somewhat informative and understandable.

Very general coverage with only a superficial discussion of topic.

Not very informative or understandable.

Evident the author did not understand (or had no interest in) the topic.


Paper contains a “roadmap” for the reader.

Topic is well supported and clearly defined.

There is a logical flow to the topics/arguments.

Conclusion follows clearly from the information presented.

Topic is fairly well supported.

Paper is fairly well organized.

Conclusion follows from the rest of the paper.

Inconsistent support of topic.

Paper weakly organized.

Conclusion is acceptable.

Topic unclear and/or inappropriate and not supported.

Paper is not organized.

Conclusion doesn’t follow from the rest of the paper.

Research/References Cited

The evidence comes from a wide variety of valid sources.

The bibliography is complete and reflects appropriate sources.

The evidence used reflects multiple views.

Plagarism is absent.

The evidence comes from valid sources.

The bibliography is complete.

The evidence used reflects multiple views.

Plagarism is absent.

Valid sources are inconsistently used.

The bibliography is missing some pieces.

Plagarism is absent.

The evidence seldom comes from valid sources.

The bibliography is missing significant information.

Plagarism is present.


Explanations are pertinent to the topic.

Discussions are logical, supported with evidence.

The key points have been made – no major points have been left out.

Explanations are pertinent to the topic.

Discussions are fairly logical and reasonably supported.

Most key points have been made.

Explanations are not consistently pertinent, logical, or supported.

Few key points have been made.

Explanations not pertinent.

Discussions are rarely, if at all, logical and supported.

Almost no key points have been made.

Interest factor

Language and style appropriate for intended audience.

Paper presents well-developed analysis and synthesis.

Main points are memorable. Reader is very engaged.

Language and style appropriate.

Paper presents reasonable analysis and synthesis.

Main points clear.

Reader is engaged.

Language and style only fair.

Less-developed analysis and synthesis.

Main points present, not well made.

Language and style poor.

Analysis and synthesis lacking.

Main points not discernable.