Health Medical Homework Help

CCF Nurses Perceptions of Trust Burnout Quality of Care and Work Satisfaction Ques


Using the two approved research articles for the topic you selected, address the following content for each article:

  1. What is the problem? What is your PICOT question?
  2. Why is this problem important nursing?
  3. Summarize the main points of the research articles. Include type of research (qualitative/quantitative), research design, collection of data, methods, and significant findings
  4. Are the studies rigorous? Explain strengths and weakness.
    1. For Quantitative Research you must use the appropriate terminology: What makes this research Valid, Reliable, Generalizable.
    2. For Qualitative you must use the appropriate terminology: What makes this research, Trustworthy- Credible, Transferable, Dependable, and Confirmable.
  5. Compare/contrast the findings of each study in your summary.
  6. Could these studies help to make a practice change for nurses? Explain why.

The paper will also be graded on how well it is written, the organization and sufficient details. Paper must be 3-4 pages written in APA format. Include your references. The reference page and title page are not to be included in the total number of pages.